gridMET data component ====================== The gridMET data component, *pymt_gridmet*, is a `Python Modeling Toolkit`_ (*pymt*) library for fetching and caching daily `gridMET`_ meteorological data. Variables include: * maximum temperature * minimum temperature * precipitation accumulation The *pymt_gridmet* component provides `BMI`_-mediated access to gridMET data as a service, allowing it to be coupled with other components that expose a BMI. Installation ------------ *pymt*, and components that run within it, are distributed through `Anaconda`_ and the `conda`_ package manager. Instructions for `installing`_ Anaconda can be found on their website. In particular, *pymt* components are available through the `conda-forge`_ organization. Install the `pymt` and `pymt_gridmet` packages in a new environment with: .. code:: $ conda create -n pymt -c conda-forge python=3 pymt pymt_gridmet $ conda activate pymt *conda* automatically resolves and installs any required dependencies. Use --- The *pymt_gridmet* data component is designed to access daily gridMET data, with the user providing the start and end dates of the desired data record. The dates can be provided through a configuration file or specified through parameters. With a configuration file ......................... The *pymt_gridmet* configuration file is a `YAML`_ file containing two keys, `_start_date` and `_end_date`. An example is :download:`gridmet.yaml`: .. include:: gridmet.yaml :literal: :download:`Download ` this file for use in the following example. .. include:: pymt_gridmet_config_file_ex.rst With parameters ............... The start and end dates can also be passed directly to *pymt_gridmet* as parameters. .. include:: pymt_gridmet_parameters_ex.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. Links: .. _Python Modeling Toolkit: .. _gridmet: .. _BMI: .. _Anaconda: .. _conda: .. _installing: .. _conda-forge: .. _YAML: